30 May 2024

Multiple Dimensions Of Paralanguage Converging On The Same Tone Group

Ngo, Hood, Martin, Painter, Smith & Zappavigna (2022: 40-1):

Although presented as a simple taxonomy, all five subtypes of paralanguage can combine with one another in support of a single tone group.

Several examples of multiple dimensions of paralanguage converging on the same tone group were in fact presented earlier (e.g. the combination of motion towards the future and pointing deixis in Example (69) of Section 

Blogger Comments:

This is recycled verbatim from Martin & Zappavigna (2019). Here are the comments from the review of Martin & Zappavigna (2019): Multiple Dimensions Of Paralanguage Converging On The Same Tone Group.

[1] To be clear, this is Cléirigh's original model misleadingly presented as if it is a claim of the authors.

[2] As previous posts have demonstrated, this is not true of epilinguistic body language ("semovergent paralanguage"), which can be instantiated with or without language.  The authors have tried to mislead the reader, in this regard, by simply presenting all the text accompanying body language with tone group boundaries (//).

[3] For the misunderstandings and misrepresentations involved in the authors' analysis of this instance, see the two previous posts:

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