22 May 2024


Ngo, Hood, Martin, Painter, Smith & Zappavigna (2022: 38-9):

As far as pointing deixis is concerned we can return to the examples contrasting past and future in Sections 1.5.1 and The vlogger’s hand points to the past in (58'), and alongside motioning to the future both the vlogger’s index fingers point there (14'''').

Blogger Comments:

This is recycled almost verbatim from Martin & Zappavigna (2019). Here are the comments from the review of Martin & Zappavigna (2019): Introducing And Tracking Entities Through Finger Pointing.

[1] To be clear, the authors' claim (ibid.) is that:
From a textual perspective we need to take into account how spoken language introduces entities and keeps track of them once there (IDENTIFICATION) …
Clearly, because 'past' and 'future' are temporal locations, they are not entities, and pointing gestures do not introduce them as entities, nor keep track of them through the discourse.  This is another instance of the authors misrepresenting the data to fit their theory.

Note also that the unit of IDENTIFICATION in Martin (1992) and Martin & Rose (2007) is participantnot entity.

[2] Once again the authors present a tone group that is … wrongly analysed for tonicity (the tonic falls on next, not time).

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