07 January 2024

Paralanguage Defined As Semiosis Dependent On Language

Ngo, Hood, Martin, Painter, Smith & Zappavigna (2022: 3):

As noted earlier, for this framework we adopt the term ‘paralanguage’ to refer to semiosis dependent on language and realised through both voice quality and body language (including facial expression, gesture, posture and body movement).

Blogger Comments:

To be clear, this definition of 'paralanguage' excludes protolinguistic expressions that humans maintain after the onset of language, and includes epilinguistic expressions that can occur without language, such as mime. The latter are dependent only on the ontogenesis of language, not the logogenesis of language.

For Halliday (1989: 30-1), on the other hand, paralanguage is linguistic and accompanies speech, but it is not part of the grammar and not systematic:

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