07 September 2024

Paralinguistic Expressions Of Attitude

Ngo, Hood, Martin, Painter, Smith & Zappavigna (2022: 117-8):

The discourse system of ATTITUDE (Figure 5.1) differentiates AFFECT as the expression of feelings or emotions from JUDGEMENT as the evaluation of people and behaviour and APPRECIATION as the assessment of phenomena (Martin and Rose, [2003] 2007; Martin, 2020). Of these three kinds of ATTITUDE only AFFECT is relevant to a discussion of interpersonal semovergence as paralinguistic expressions of ATTITUDE are restricted to those of emotion (e.g. Tian, 2011; Welch, 2005; Painter et al., 2013: 31–2).

Blogger Comments:

To be clear, the claim here is that, in the authors' model, paralanguage cannot enact judgement or appreciation.

Moreover, in the authors' terms, there is an unrecognised instance of a representation of judgement in the authors' data (p147):

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