05 September 2024

Problems With A Phonological Analysis

Ngo, Hood, Martin, Painter, Smith & Zappavigna (2022: 117):

The example in (1) shows paralinguistic expressions sonovergent with each major tone choice (other than the level-rise tone 3 which offers minimal phonological scope for convergent body-part movement). A phonological transcription records the tone (as, e.g. //1), and the intonation contour describes and interprets it (as, e.g. falling – ‘certain’). The paralanguage which is sonovergent with each intonation contour – which visualises it – is then described. The resonance of the visual and phonological contours adds further salience to the tonic and hence the given tone choice.

Blogger Comments

[1] To be clear, tone 3 is a level or low rise in pitch, so it can be realised facially by a maintained level or low rise in the eyebrows.

[2] To be clear, adding salience to the tonic is adding salience to what the tonic realises: the focus of New information, not to the tone choice that realises the system of KEY.

[3] To be clear, based on the system of KEY, the most likely tone for // I didn't / break it // is tone 2 ('protest'), not tone 4 ('reservation'), and this analysis is supported by the raised eyebrows on the clay puppet.

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