15 September 2024

Neither Affect Nor Body Language

Ngo, Hood, Martin, Painter, Smith & Zappavigna (2022: 121, 122):

In summary, the network in Figure 5.3 models FACIAL EFFECT with six features of emotion: [spirit:up], [spirit:down], [fear], [anger], [disdain] and [surprise]. Each of these six features is illustrated and described in (2). Facial resources for expression are in bold.

Blogger Comments:

[1] As previously demonstrated, in terms of SFL Theory, the facial expression of emotion is protolanguage, serving the personal metafunction, and so not an interpersonal system (AFFECT) of the discourse semantics of language.

[2] As previously observed, the facial expressions constructed on clay puppets are not body language, but epilinguistic representations of body language created by animators using the emotion-face coding of Ekman.

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